Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Eine Kleine Accomplishment

The month of April ends today, and with it ends the first NaPwoWriMo (National Pwoermd Writing Month). My contributions to the month ended up being 45 pwoermds, 50% more than required by the NaPwoWriMo coordinating body (my consciousness).

The other participants were Karri Kokko, who repurposed his existing pwoermd blog, Sanaruno, into a reason to declare this month InterNaPwoWriMo (and to write a little more frequently he poems in English instead of Finnish); and Matthew Lafferty, who similarly repurposed his own M'log into a site for a little pwoermd-making and who remains five shy of his goal of thirty with ninety minutes to go. (We'll let him finish later if he wishes.)

All in all, a hugely successful first year, since I never expected anyone else to join in at all.

I assume this blog will lie dormant now for a year, but for this month it kept making me think how to fashion an individual word into its own poem, which is the status every word deserves.


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